Each night I am completely settled, in my mind, in my plans and by the next morning all those thoughts and plans are scattered about, I am wildly looking around, grabbing at them trying, to gather them up as quickly as I can. As I spoke to TR last night and felt so settled by that, I was ready to tackle today with lots of enthusiasm and sure that progress would be made. Now I am, again, sitting thinking how silly those plans were, of course I have nothing to say the the ESB until the electricity is back on. Heaters won't be installed until the house is closer to being finished, I think.
As I mentioned before, I feel secure in my footing, until some advice comes along that topples me and I am ready to throw my hands up and say "whatever!". Now it feels as if it's simply the light of a new day that has thrown my plans to the ground.
One of my (oddly weird) stumbling blocks is that I uploaded pictures of the house so that I could post them here and TR would be able to see them and participate (as much as possible) from afar. Much to my chagrin, the photos appear in my photo application but I can't seem to access them when I choose to upload into the blog from blogger.com. Weird! I uploaded them from my phone, though if I choose the 'from my phone' option, they still don't show up. I am stumped, maybe I need to restart Safari, maybe it's deeper than that. I suppose I can google it and find out that way. First I will write down my list from the book, then, something else!
What I Have So Far:
- Investigate insurance (FBD?)
- Look into grants to replace: doors / windows / septic tank
- Call B@ESB to enquire about timing of installing storage heaters
- Ask DM if he recommends a plumber to install radiators
- Check in with N@the RCC about meeting time
That seems like a fair amount of tasks, but really each time I get ready to tackle one, I ponder and ponder and decide it's really pointless. So I am going to put this entry aside for a minute, investigate some of the points I can and then we will go calling on relatives.
Here I go....
So it looks like we aren't eligible for grants of any kind, first because they seem to be mostly tax credits and we don't pay income taxes here (in Ireland), second because some of them appear to be income based and we make too much money to be eligible for a grant (which in the long run is only a good thing!) and third because for the Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) holiday homes aren't eligible. So there it is, grants away, I can check that right off my list!
Now to investigate the photo syndrome....
Roscommon Castle - zockso |
So as it turned out, it was just as it was always queried in the " IT Crowd ", I turned off and turned it on again and the picture were miraculously there! More tomorrow, or perhaps later today if that's how I'm feeling.
Good morning!