Not to harp on negative stuff, but I was floundering near the doldrums and now I am fully ensnared in their flaccid, sorrowful grip. Is it chemical? Environmental? Psychological? I do not know, and I may never. I suppose I must just muddle through it and hope I come through it, as I do every time. It's frustrating to feel so defeated and know that I'm not. Doldrums or not, I did clean house a bit, vacuumed the sofa (and plumped it up too), dusted a bit, vacuumed the living room and put away dishes. Thank goodness for LS who chatted with me the whole time, I say chatted but it was more like a deep and meaningful exploration of our lives and innermost selves, all while cleaning house. How Zen is that?
I spent a great deal of the weekend sitting still, we all know how that turns out for me, not well, but I did do the books and I think I'm stalled out on the papers because I don't see them as only mine. I haven't asked TR to completely jump into this with me yet, he did help with the books a bit.
This post was abandoned mid-write, Mama and WJRY came and took me out to lunch, we had a great time. I shall post as is and try for todays post, I have been woefully careless about keeping up with this. Perhaps that says something about having so much time that is unclaimed. Goodnight?
More secret cranes |
I feels the same Magee. Looking forward to getting back and tackling the books.