A lost day, no, not lost, just given over to circumstances beyond my control. The headaches I get when the weather changes do not really respond to any pain relievers, I just have to wait them out. I woke up with one and it had diminished some by the time I was on my return trip from the morning drop off. It was such a marvellous (the dictionary says I can spell it this way, and this is the way I like to spell it, the double l's please me) ride home, a wintry haze hung like a veil in the air, making everything cold and bright. I ran my thoughts over everything I could do when I got home, work on teddy bears or the wedding blanket, I could practice my ukulele or go for a walk. I walked throughout the thoughts of all the possibilities the day might hold for me and when I got home, after I prepared myself some breakfast, I sat at the table, paying bills, reading friends blogs, talking to LS, until my headache was so bad that I couldn't bear it. I drew a hot, heavily lavender infused bath and tried to eradicate it that way. It helped for a bit and at that point I gave up on the day and decided to sit quietly and knit. Which I did, and watched a charming but silly show while knitting.
I did manage to look up the-order-of-things-to-be-tidied in the tidying book. I wrote them down so that I have them handy for easy reference. Books are next on the list, I am hoping that sometime this weekend I will make it through that portion of the tidying task. I have decided that I will let go of the Tarzan books I have, they dredge up sad memories, even though I love the stories. I read the whole series by the time I was 11, and they were the best stories I had ever read up to then. But the books themselves make me think of how unwelcome I felt as a child and I think it's time to let that go.
LS and I agreed that in our endeavour we will add a category for craft and hobby materials. Those possessions will be really hard to let go of, I am so familiar with the emotions I have invested in my art/craft/hobby supplies, it will be tricky but I think we can do it. LS made great headway yesterday and I feel that together we can stand against the stasis we have felt trapped in for all this time. We can push through the barriers we have created and find the growth and change we have been looking for, for so long.
I am going to bed now, goodnight!
De Young with heron and urn |
Nice to hear your thoughts. Hope your headache has abated.