Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day Sixty-Three, The-Would-Have-Been-Last-Sunday-Night-If-Work-Hadn't -Let -Me-Go

I am standing in a funny place tonight. If all had gone according to plan, this would have been my last night before starting work again, and for all I know Ex-Boss is expecting to see me in the office bright and early tomorrow morning. But he hasn't reached out to me at all about returning. He has said some vague things about needing to talk when I return, but he hasn't called or texted to ask me if I am coming back or even if I want to come back. So I think I have made it pretty clear, here in this blog that I am not planning on returning, and I feel really good about that decision, I feel solid and certain about choosing me over work. Still I have this little nagging feeling in my heart that I will be in trouble if I don't return tomorrow. Which is ridiculous because I am not employed there, nor have I been since September 12th. So I must put that nibbling fear aside and remember that I love having my life back to myself. To be getting all my own things done and setting my own affairs in order. Speaking of which...

Today was a really nice day, and productive for a lazy, fall Sunday. After a lovely breakfast with TR, Primo and Mamma, we washed up and set about to get some things done. Mamma sewed up the slip covers for the Morris Chair that LS started a while ago. She finished the whole thing and she even did the ottoman. It looks so fresh and new, it really brightens up the room. We went and got paint samples for the living room and new tarps for the cottage (a temporary solution until we have money for a new roof!). We took Primo and SP to a class in sound and lighting that they LOVED and Auntie M connected us up with. So now that we have established a relationship with the theater, Primo is excited about taking more classes and I feel confident about his audition, because he has passion for what he is doing.

I am so tired, we went to a show, a bit of a pre-birthday celebration for TR, whose birthday is tomorrow (yay!), an old friend of his was plating with a band I've never heard of but the audience seemed to really like them. DD always puts on a good performance and t was really nice to see him again. It's been about 5 years since we last saw him. Before I sign off. I just want to recognize how fortunate I am, my family is wonderful, my son is so bighearted and loving, my daughter is so shiny bright, my husband is so far beyond my wildest dreams, sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming, Mamma has been coming down to visit on weekends. No matter how many other things weigh me down, my family is the best ever and I can't complain about that! I can tell I am tired, my writing has gone vague and non-descriptive! Over 500 page views as of today, many in Canada and France! Thanks for reading and goodnight!
Sunset North Lake Tahoe

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