I have started this early enough that I don't have to rush off to sleep, but what oh what do I have to write about? The state of the world and my thoughts and feelings about that? Nah, too deep and too much energy. How marvelous my children are and how sweet my husband is? Aaarrgghhh, when I have the blah's I don't have a writing brain. I have a stewing, brewing, fretting, fussing brain. Mulling over what hasn't been done, not depressed, not anxious or even troubled more like purgatory, in-between and not dissatisfied but not satisfied either.
I could talk a bit about Mr. Nibs, the fabulous Boston Terrier. He is the funniest dog, he always wants to play and will pick up the sorriest scrap of torn up toy and bring it over hopefully, pressing it against your hand again and again to encourage you to play tug-o-war with him. It seems to have developed that whenever we have guests over the dogs tear around the house like wild things, barking and dashing, willy nilly, back and forth across the house. I don't know what made them start doing that, but truly, every time someone comes over, about two minutes after they get here the dogs are tearing it up. That Mr. Nibs has the cutest face and he always seems to be looking at you so earnestly.
Okay I ran out of steam with that! I have nothing more now, I will check in before bedtime maybe the winds will have shifted by then.
Nope, still nothing, goodnight!
Snow on Mt. Diablo |
Just finished, but no thurs yet. Good talking today and thanks for remjnding me to read! Xxoo