Monday, September 22, 2014

Day Eight, Monday Night

Last Monday seems so far away, and after spending the last three days feeling poorly and sleeping as much as I could, I am thinking this blog is more than a little silly. To what end am I writing it? Everyday I ask TR if he has read it, poor man, he is my audience at the moment. I'm not sure if this is what he signed up for when we got married. Though  it does do the job for the purpose of accountability. So to that end it's all good.

Today was sort of a bust, another day recuperating. I didn't get the OBC delivered to the auto-retirement-center but I will do it this week. Maybe tomorrow. I did do the morning, middle kid drop off despite feeling AWFUL. That made my spirit feel better anyway.

I had a lovely lunch with Prima after school. I do love those times with her, she opens up and chats about everything she loves or is excited by. It is a treasured look into her world.

I am going to bed, I'm exhausted. Maybe I'll be back on track tomorrow.

Goodnight Gracie.
examples of the

kind of clutter
I can't get rid of

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