Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day Six, Another Saturday Night (with you)

Ugh, I am sick. This is to remind me not to go into exwork while I am not an employee, I am sure I caught something from one of the kids. The time frame fits, the symptoms fit, I should know better than to call out from the student phone!

No, there is no list today, I woke up feeling a bit under the weather but hopped up to take care of business wight the OBC, since TR was home and able to do it with me. Sadly we couldn't drop it off at the retirement center ( read junkyard!) so we got it smogged, ran some other errands and came home. Where I promptly fell asleep for six hours. So that is the sum total of my productivity for the day. In the hopes of rushing my recovery, I have taken copious amounts of immune boosting herbs. Are they working? I will never know, I haven't been sick today without them. I did not, however, take any claratin, which I take pretty much everyday. I am trying to let my body spend some time medication free. Hmmm, unless you count the herbs as medication and then, well...

TR said he hated the sad entry but loved the cheerier one and he even liked the poems. Which in re-reading, I am a little embarrassed of, they seem much less lyrical and poetic than when I first wrote them. I really haven't written that much since then, but could it have evolved that much? Who knows.

I did forget to remark, yesterday, that Prima has taught herself a selection of artist x's songs and it is a beautiful thing to hear her playing and singing along in her room. I hope that his music is able to inspire in her what I wish it had inspired in me when I was her age.

I have nothing huge or insightful to write about. Only that my back hurts and my neck hurts and that I am sure I have a fever even though the thermometer reads out that my temperature is below normal. It must be broken! I feel wimpy and fragile and want to sleep, but I have slept too much and there is none left in me. At least I did post this today, which for a while I was ready to forgo.

Good night Gracie.
a mama hummingbird attentively siting on her nest, taken near Primo's orthodontist office 

1 comment:

  1. and the humor hasn't abandoned you. lol. you didn't sound sick when you called……so sorry the dreaded kid touch got you. hugs and kisses. LOVE the blog
