Monday, September 15, 2014

Day One, Monday Morning

Just to keep a record of what I am doing during this 8 week break from work, I am writing it down here, for accountability's sake. I am such a dreamer and often these dreams are stuck in my head. From the outside it must look like I am a very sedentary, still person but on the inside I am a whirlwind of thoughts, that spin around me like a cyclone, leaving me exhausted and sometimes exhilarated but with very little to show for it. So let's see what happens here.

My grand plan was to spend the time in Ireland leading the plan to fix up the Badger's Den (named for all the badgers we've never seen nearby) and make it into a vacation spot for us and our family and friends. Sadly the cold reality of funds has reared it's ever-present head and I find myself with the desire and excitement, but no way to pay for it...yet. Still I had given notice at work, which was tempered from leaving forever, to leaving for two months. So what will I do with those precious two months?

Priorities being what they are, I have a date with T this morning for breakfast, something we have not done in well over two years and something I miss dearly. So that's on my agenda as a first day project. I made out my list with TR last night, hoping to feel productive and accomplished at the end of the day so here is what the list says to do:

  • 9:30- breakfast with T
  • 12:00 coffee with A
  • Call the Piano Movers
  • Clean out the cabinet recess in the basement bathroom (to prep for cabinet installation)
  • Donation station (FINALLY get rid of bags at the door)
  • 2:55 pick up kids ( I always think of pickup sticks when I have to pick up kids!)
  • Revise and refine Project Badger's Den Matrix 
  • Go into work for a bit ( just to give info on my job)
  • Grocery shopping

And a bonus, not on the list but done anyway:
  • made appointment for the fridge to be makes odd noises.

Can I do all of this? Well it's 9:20 and I have already called the Piano movers (I had to leave a message, worked on the Badger's Den list, cleaned out the cabinet recess and made the fridge appointment, besides the regular stuff like making breakfast and seeing my family out the door with a smile. So I am on my way to accomplishing my goals for the day, though I would like to see more project oriented goals on future lists, this is a good start to keep away from sitting still and pondering what to do. I am often so overwhelmed at the sheer mass of jobs to do around the house that I am immobilized by the seeming impossibility of it all. I don't want to throw this time away.

I am never sure what I want to do the most, usually whatever thought is in my head is the one I think is a priority, and usually that is whatever I am looking at. De-cluttering the living room, painting the bedroom, finishing the bathroom(s) or kitchen, sanding and finishing the stairs. Now and then projects pop into my head that I can't see ( the cottage NEEDS a new roof!) and I panic because it's yet another thing to get done that I know I can do and still I probably won't do. I imagine that if I could just get some of these things done, I wouldn't feel so oppressed by the weight of what needs to be done and accomplishment would come more easily.

I was really proud of TR with his banjo bass project. He had that thing for so long (could it be 20 years?) and it got to the point that I was hinting it was BIG and took up a lot of room and perhaps now he could pass it along. But he got it all together and it's beautiful and I can see that he really loves playing it. I think he loves the fact that he did it on his own, stretched the head for the drum, built a bridge, repaired all the inlay that was coming out. He did a really nice job on all the parts ( as is his way) and I can see how good he feels having done it. 

That's how I want to feel about all my stuff, but I give up so easily. I work on things for a little while and then I drift away to something else. or maybe nothing else but simply drift away from where I am. My hope with this blog, is that it keeps me on task. I know I started plus chouette's project blog and was scared away by the same thing that always gets me: I hit a point that I didn't understand about posting and my sails went limp and I drifted away. I stopped dying yarn, and haven't even really knit anything since we returned from Ireland, the darn teddy bears are sitting in a box half done, and I never even posted that blog!
Signing off for now, I will check in tonight ( that's my plan as of now...) to post the results of today's activities. 

P.S. Just for fun, because I have a few minutes, here is a photo of the Badger's Den (named for all the badgers we've never seen nearby):

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