Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day Eighty, I Could Have Gone Around the World On Wednesday Night

Nothing to report but rain and more rain. I think I might start building an ark, or is it too late? Did I need to have it built before the incessant rain started? Oh well, perhaps I can climb to the top of a mountain and wait it out.

I did not write anything on the novel today, I didn't have enough time in a row to concentrate on it, so I will double up tomorrow and write two days in one. I don't have anything else scheduled so I should be able to get 'er done.

Tonight's entry really serves as a placeholder, to say I have done it, but as it was a singularly unproductive day I just don't have much to write about or to speculate on. Here's a list of the errand-y things I did: sent off an eBay package, dishes, lunched with the ladies, took both kids to the dentist, went to the chiropractor, picked up Prima's carpool group, dropped of the carpool kids, whew! I guess I did more than I realized. So I'm off to bed, goodnight!

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