Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day Ninety-Six, Fantastic Friday Night

First a confession, we have been visiting with Dad and BC, helping (I want to call it that) prepare for the wedding and generally hanging out, and our hotel had such bad internet, I wasn't able to post anything on Friday or Saturday. I am going to proceed as if nothing had happened, relaying the day in real time as if I were writing it then but please forgive any errors in tense that may make it wonky and seem as if I have lost my place in time. Here goes:

A wonderful day all around, LS and the kids met us at our hotel early and when they arrived, laden with gifts, the kids couldn't wait so we got right down to business and opened presents. It was a festive affair, paper torn open, the oohs and ahhs when surprises were uncovered. The children all seemed satisfied with what they received but were excited to see how the recipients liked the gifts they gave. Afterwards we all went downstairs and had breakfast. The restaurant had a "breakfast bar" which was really a counter filled with bowls of berry compotes and whipped cream to put on pancakes. The kids loved it!

We went back to BC and Dad's to help with preparations, TR was at their house helping, while LS and I went a few doors down to J's house where LS and the kiddos were staying, and made cookies for the wedding. J's house was delightful, very homey and familiar, cozy and warm on a chilly-almost-winter's-day. When all was as done as it could be, we walked over to a restaurant where a family pre-wedding-dinner was taking place. That was a lot of fun. All of my siblings on my Dad's side were there and we all caught up with each other's lives, hugged, and held each other and generally enjoyed being together again. There were many friends and aunties and uncles, it was a joyous celebration.

We headed home for a well earned rest to be fresh and ready for the wedding day activities, so that leads me right into a good night, goodnight!
Tahoe corona

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