Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day Ninety-Nine, Home Again, Home Again on Monday Night

Day Ninety-Nine and we are home, back in our own little house after driving willy nilly for two days, okay, that makes it sound more dramatic than it was. We actually left later in the afternoon than we planned. Leaving was so hard, we had to tear ourselves away and force ourselves down the road. With an overnight in Roseberg and driving quite the speed limit, we arrived home at 6:30pm. We were greeted with an orchid and a gift at our doorstep from RP. It seems her mother drove her all the way to our house to drop off gifts for us, and we weren't here. I wish we had been, that kind of gesture deserves a response in person.

Our trip down was uneventful, the weather was beautiful the traffic was light, the children were engrossed in their music or movies they brought along. It was pleasant enough but at some point on the road, all I want is to be home. The trip starts stretching out and I start hurrying as fast as I can to be home as quickly as possible.

We saw some beautiful scenery on the way and I discovered that trying to take scenic photos with one's phone camera while speeding down the road (I was the passenger!) is futile. There is almost no angle that doesn't include power lines, telephone poles or windshield wipers and by the time you have found a spot free of all obstacles, you are miles away from the scene you wanted to photograph. Oh well maybe I can learn to use photoshop and pretty them up.

We had to stop of at Mamma's and WJRY's to pick up the puppies, who seemed rather blasé about seeing us again. They warmed up after we got home, but it almost seemed as if they would rather stay there, at Winter Camp.

When we arrived home, the kids went immediately to their rooms and didn't come out again until TR and I went to bed, which was rather early, another side effect of long road trips these days is I get really worn out. Seems silly to be tired after sitting for eight hours, but there it is.

Now it is time for bed, and I am happy to be all snuggled down in my marshmallow bed with my own pillows and covers. Goodnight!
Alaskan bluebells

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