We weathered the storm yesterday, proving true that whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be hot, we'll weather the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not! Whew!! That takes longer to write than to think. And weather we did, all battened down, hatches. against the torrents of rain that fell ceaselessly from a pewter grey sky. my feet were wet (mostly because whenever I did venture outside, I did so with bare feet) my shoes were wet (mostly because when I did wear shoes I wore ballet flats which don't keep rain out as much as absorb it) I felt damp into my bones. I read all kinds of snarky f**ebook comments about how wimpy we were because schools closed down in response to the storm warnings (I'm not sure but I think a warning is IN CASE something happens, not IT IS definitely going to happen.) and I spent more time than I should brooding about all the complaints and critical comment would be posted if the schools hadn't shut down and there WAS some storm related accident(s). But in the end the rain ceased to fall at some point today and the sun came out and made amazing, glorious clouds and people were smiling and driving like maniacs.
I had a funny non-productive day, I got some housekeeping things done, dishes, laundry halfway done. I booked a hotel room for the upcoming wedding and put LS and BC in touch. I did something else on the sort-of-list I made but I can't remember what it is. What I didn't do is go shopping (plus one) or write any more on the book (minus one) so as far as I can tell I am basically coming up even. I helped CW get a little ore ready for her 'soft-opening' and then I went to it, which was fun, but now it's almost 1:00 am and I can't even think straight anymore, so...you knew it was coming, goodnight!
Tokyo |
love the current succinct brevity