It's not my grandmother's house, but it is her tablecloth, her berry bowl and her great-granddaughter sitting with me. As much as she is gone, she is right here with me, her eyes peer back out at me from any mirror I look into. She is imprinted in my DNA and my memories and I carry her everywhere with me. I am sitting, not on her lanai, but in my garden where her spirit floats among plants she loved so much.
Today is a lovely day, the sun shining, the playful breezes dancing around my ankles and at the back of my neck. The dogs lingering at our feet, wondering what happened to bring us out of the house to sit in the fresh air and sunshine. The garden is crowded with stalks of purple stars, that came from the Berkeley House via CC's house and were brought to Mama from the wild by a neighbor in Berkeley. The neighborhood bees are buzzing contentedly around the purple stars gathering what food is left before the winter sets in and their short but busy lives are over.
I have been in that very dissatisfied place in my heart lately. I can see how much it distresses TR and often I am able to count my blessings and move on. Lately not so much, but today I feel different, and though I started crabby and griping at life, I have found a spot of sun to sit in and let it replenish me. I can hear my Mama's words in my head, reminding me that even though I can't take my whole journey in one step, I shouldn't stop walking, I should just keep taking one step everyday if that's all I can take. If I cam travel further, do it, but don't give up. So here I am writing this blog earlier, just like I keep saying I am going to, and I will head up to the cottage to sort through stuff again (of course it rained yesterday with all the stuff I had put out sitting in the elements). I guess if I really want change I will make it, and if I h=am happy whining about it, I should at least cop to that.
I am going to go do two things now, first I am going to spend at LEAST two hours working on the cottage, then I am going to spend at LEAST two hours in the working garden. These tasks are easily as valid as housekeeping, and need to be done.
Ha, and HA, I so did not spend two hours in the cottage or the garden, instead we made lunch together and then ran errands, Costco, Starbo,and picking the mandarin up from the fix-it-up-chappy at the dealership. I thought about my resolution but somehow the day slipped through my fingers and instead of holding true to those intentions, I flew away on the wings of spontaneity and a sunny autumn day.
It was a lovely day at that, and after errands were done outside the house, I picked the veggie box up on the way home and spent a little time chatting with friends at ex-work, where I ran into the ex-boss. I was so surprised to see him but that's so silly, he practically lives there, it's just that I haven't seen him on a veggie box day yet. It was funny, he said he missed me and I made a snarky remark about being fired. He kept saying we would figure something out and I should call him, we should talk. I ended it by saying, "you know how to find me". The funny thing is that when I ran into SS a little later and she referred to me by my FULL name, I was so relieved not to be a part of that whole thing anymore. The extra money is nice, but I really enjoy having my life full of the intentions I create and invite, instead of being forced to endure the juvenile behavior and delusions of someone else. I think I'm all done with that. Mr. Ex-Boss said, "it's the 15th, right?" about my planned return date. The 15th alright, the 15th of hell freezing over! (pardon my French, and by the way, is that offensive to French people?).
It's nice to know how I feel about that, I so rarely know exactly the just-right decision for me, but when I do, I really do, and it always feels so peaceful and even in my heart. Going back and re-reading what I wrote this morning, I feel the warm sun shining on me and can hear the laughter of my beloved daughter and husband as we chat in the garden, our voices carrying up on the breezes to be caught in the tops of the trees that stand like sentinels all around us. I feel I understand JD's father's explanation of creating an atmosphere to enjoy life from. It does nurture a kind of peacefulness in one's spirit to be in a space one enjoys and feels at ease in. Maybe that's the whole issue with the house. One thing TR and I talked about was my frustration with such a small kitchen. As I mentioned yesterday he suggested I just start cooking it the one we have. Well I did do yesterday, and it was marvelous, and today was the same. He and I invented a delicious soup for dinner and I used up some pantry supplies I was just feeling guilty about, to supplement the soup. It was gratifying in so many ways, the time we spent together, using up food we have already paid for and brought into our house, hearing the exclamations of the children as the tasted what we made, enjoying the dinner all together without the distractions of a restaurant. it was very good indeed. So maybe I need to really sit quietly and listen to my heart and find out what I am REALLY craving. Maybe it isn't what I think it is at all.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a painting day, I still haven't done my prep work, but we'll do what we can and go from there, one step every day
, right? So looking at tonight's picture, think about the first paragraph, it's the beginning and the end of today's entry. Which WAS started much. much earlier, just as I hoped it would be.
silent sunbeams |
quiet garden dreams |