Monday, October 6, 2014

Day Twenty-Two, Birthday Bash ( 4th Monday am I halfway through?)

Happy Birthday to my dearest LS! We had a sweet day together to celebrate her birthday and I love, love, love that there is (almost) a tradition of birthday visits.

Accomplishments for the day include, spending time with my family. Being with my sister on her birthday. Being mindful of beautiful moments I am part of or nearly part of. Enjoying all the parts of myself, even when I am bitterish, and knowing that it's not forever. Being able to stand up to something that makes me very uncomfortable, without anger or judgement. That was a hard one, but one I think is extremely valuable. I imagine (because I haven't travelled that journey yet, so it's pure conjecture at this point) that when I master the art of setting boundaries and expectations without anger I will have overcome my feelings of powerlessness.

All day long, I was thinking about how much I had to write tonight, and if I wrote a play by play of the day I really would. But now my head is wrapped up in my goodnight phone call with TR and how much I miss him and so I think I will toddle off and let sleep eat away some of the hours before I get to be in his arms again.

I have already chosen the photograph for the end of the entry tonight, so I will tell a bit about it before signing off. The fellow (or lady) in the photograph was swimming in the lake in St. James's Park, as I was standing at the lake's edge taking photographs of a swan, this fellow (or lady) came waddling up to me and peered at me with what looked like curiosity to me. After I photographed some ducklings, another goose approached with almost the same quizzical look. It was one of the moments that made last summer's trip so wonderful!

Good Night!
Curious goose no. 1

Curious goose no. 2

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