Monday, October 27, 2014

Day Forty-Three, Monday Night Number Seven?

Already the beginning of the seventh week? It feels as if time has flown by and I'm not certain if I have been actively setting goals now that seems that I don't have a job to return to. I did accomplish some interesting and possibly meaningful milestones today.

First accomplishment was cleaning out the two "junk" drawers in the kitchen. I have been wanting to to this for quite some time, it may have even been on a list in an earlier post of this blog. It seemed the space could be put to a better use than a dumping grounds for all things homeless in the house (that seems to be a statement that disagrees with itself!) and I cleaned all the clutter out and threw it away. Then I organized an office drawer and a utility drawer. Now we can find tape and the stapler as well as be free of supply bins in the living room!

Today Primo started a biggish, paid job for us. We offered him a substantial amount of money to dig out a part of the patio that was covered up when TR built the new rock wall in the back. He came home from school and started on it, I did come out and help a bit after he found a pipe that I forgot was under the dirt, and I think it's a gas line to the cottage. So I supervised and it was boring just standing watching him, so I dug and filled the buckets a couple of times and he carried the dirt down to the front yard. I have been wanting to dig that area out for so long, but I didn't know what to do wiht he dirt. I can't believe that I haven't really talked it over with TR before, he knew exactly what to do, and Primo is totally motivated to earn a bunch of money, he has a date this weekend and needs the cash! So I feel really satisfied that the project is finally set in motion.

I dropped off refi papers to the Mortgage Man and looked into getting Prima's nose pierced again (she let the first one close because she couldn't get it to heal properly). She was really happy with the place we found (thanks goes out to CM, our partner in all things equestrian) and the young man we spoke with was pierced and stretched and all kinds of exotic things were happening on his face, which kind of intimidated me, but he was really nice and seemed genuinely interested in helping us out.

It was a productive day of sorts but I am feeling blue now and I know why but I cannot divulge the reason except to say it's irrational and if it really bothers me that much, it is within my power to change it but I know I won't and it makes me really sad.

TR, on the other hand, makes me really happy and when I dropped my head against his chest and told him what had made me so sad he told me he likes me best of all and I remembered that I live where someone (more than one I think) loves me best of all, and Prima made dinner with TR tonight and it was delicious and fun and we had a great time being a family tonight. So there is always that to think about if I am feeling a little blue.

I still haven't started that book I resolved to write a few entries back, though I have had dozens of ideas, one super science fiction one that I hope I really will write, because I want to see how it ends.

My brain is refusing to focus on one idea long enough to write it down, goodnight!
Roscommon Castle, Roscommon Town, Co. Roscommon

1 comment:

  1. So many good things coming your way pluschouette! I hear a lot of cleaning and clearing taking place! keep up the good work! xoxo
