Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day Forty Six, Thursday Night!

I had this sudden, weird thought that somewhere in the forties of this blog, I had spelled it 'fourty' and I will readily admit that I just went back and checked to make sure I hadn't. So far so good.

A quieter day than yesterday, I had planned on doing bunches of stuff in the cottage, and I truly had every intention of attacking it as soon as I returned form The Morning Drop Off. But here's the thing, Mr. Nibs was in the back yard eating something that made him throw up buckets yesterday. I have no idea what he got into but I spent a good portion of my day washing dog bedding, because he was apparently only overcome with hyperemesis when in one of the crates. So I made some crazy dog obstacles across the stairs so he couldn't gain access to the back back (as we call it). But that meant my access was limited too, so when I got home and remembered what I would have to work through, over and around to get to the cottage, I gave up and went back downstairs. Instead I practiced ukelele.  Turns out all my barrier creating was for naught, as soon as I left him in the new mini yard, without supervision, he hopped the terraces and away he went to gobble up more doggie ipecac.

So I puttered, did dishes, tidied little things here and there, and then I practiced for about an hour. It was really nice to be able to play and just concentrate on it, not feel embarrassed at what a beginner I am or worry that I may be interrupting someone doing something else. After that I went to the dentist to have my gums lasered (it actually smelled REALLY bad, like burnt stuff) which didn't hurt as much as the shot of novocaine I received. After the dentist, I went on a forbidden excursion.

A few days ago I was informed by a letter in the mail that my favorite yarn store is closing down and the pre-sale would be starting today (apparently it really started Monday) so I quietly slipped down there to see what deals could be had. Everything was 20% off. So not much of a sale, but I still poked around for an hour, looking and examining everything that seemed remotely interesting. In the end I bought nothing. I just couldn't justify spending more money on yarn, when I have so much unused yarn as it is. I know that I will have every intention of using it but when it comes down to it, I will still have it 10 years later. I wasn't tempted by the notions or anything at all. I did keep going to my favorite cashmere yarn, but it's so expensive that 20% off makes it expensive instead of REALLY expensive. So no new yarn, and I was really glad I came home empty handed, but also glad I checked it out.

Primo and I finished digging out the buried spot in the back yard and we had a really good time doing it. We finally got a good rhythm going and it seemed to fly by, until my back started hurting, and then I wanted to give up altogether, but we pushed through and now we are ready for the next step. YAY!

Besides that there were some odd parts of the day, a gas leak somewhere in the west end of town shut the High School down and I had six messages from the school continuing to keep me informed on the status. A little surreal. FM came home with Prima again today and that was sweet, they made Irish brown bread, and Halloween costumes. I do love seeing her be engaged with things, and the bread is so tasty! We had pho for dinner which is Primo's favorite and it seemed to make him really happy to choose dinner.

Now I am exhausted and so ready to snuggle down in my marshmallow bed and snooze away. Goodnight.
California Crab

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