Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day Forty-Two, In Which We Find The Meaning To Life, The Universe and Everything on Sunday Night

I couldn't pass up a reference to 42, but of course I am still searching for the question that leads to the answer of 42, and when I find that, I will have found everything!

After a long dry spell of no sewing or completion of really any project, knitting, jewelry, mosaic (I still have a vase that I started easily 5 years ago in the works) I went up to the cottage and made TT a baby blanket. The baby shower was today and we were about 45 minutes late because I was finishing it, but I did it and I made myself push through all the negative editing I was doing in my head while I was starting it, and I did not let my fear of failure make me stop at any point. And I think she really liked it. So maybe I can start up again and remind myself that it's okay to do my best and if that's not perfect, that's okay too.

It will be a short entry tonight, but I do want to say this, tonight's photo is a photo of true love, and this is why: I was raised by a woman who had very strict rules about other people's gardens. Any blossom or pretty plant in someone else's garden was strictly off limits, looking was acceptable, encouraged even, but touching was not allowed. Yesterday TR and I walked by a gardenia bush at a restaurant and I was yearning for one of the blossoms, their scent reminds me so much of my mother and grandmother. I told him playfully that I was going to pick one when we went back to the car, but I knew I wouldn't do it. After our meal, as we walked back to the car, he boldly walked up to the bush and plucked one beautiful, fragrant flower and gave it to me. That is true love.
given with love

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