Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day Twenty-Eight, Go Forth Sunday Night

The fourth Sunday since I started my leave, which I can now call something else, as I have heard neither hide nor hair from Former Boss if he will fight for me to come back, and I'm still not sure what I want to do. Sometimes things happen for the best.

TR played with the banjo band at a post wedding party, and I went to watch that. It was so beautiful, a picnic in the redwoods with live music, the sun filtered through the branches of majestic trees, stretching to the sky. I sat in a circle of redwoods, sheltered by their trunks listening to my husband play music, watching a community celebrate a marriage, it was truly idyllic. I went from that to lacrosse practice, watching my boy play a lazy day of lacrosse. I was so hot all the boys seemed to be playing in slow motion. And Primo wanted to leave early. We told him if he scored, we would leave right away. He did try, and when he didn't score after a long, determined run, he went back to more reserved playing. I think he resigned himself to staying for the whole practice.

Prima is at a sleepover, no school tomorrow and everyone here is exhausted. Tomorrow I am starting this blog earlier so I'm not checking in and then just saying goodnight. I have so many things in my head I want to write down, and when I get here, I'm so tired, all I think about is closing my computer and laying down.

Thant's my plan, goodnight Gracie!
Two views from The Badger's Den

(named for all the badgers we've never seen nearby)

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