Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day Twenty-Four, Home Sweet Wednesday Home

While I adore my sister and her family, and was greatly enjoying visiting with her father-in-law as well, I must admit that there is nothing like the sight of my own family to make my heart soar. I guess Prima really missed me too because she came to the airport to pick me up and actually hugged me for a long time. Primo opted to stay home, no big surprises there, he never wants to go out, but I did kiss him when I got home, despite his grown up coolness.

After meeting a friend of LS's who has written a self-help book (that LS gave me), I realized that all you need to write a book is an idea and to write it. So I think I will start writing in earnest. Maybe I can take a workshop to try to figure out the mechanics of keeping it going past the first idea. But if LS's friend can write a book on self help, me too, well not on self help. But I thought I could write the fictional story I've had in my head for so long, or one about living from a standpoint of love and compassion. I think I can do this.

It is so late, I'm afraid that this is yet another short entry. But it does serve the purpose of documenting that I am keeping to my word everyday. Though I had almost forgotten, and did entertain the thought of doing it in the morning instead of getting out of bed, getting my computer, starting it up etc. No I am blogging everyday even if it's just to say I've done it.

Photo time and good night. Tonight I am going to post the other photo I suggested last night when TD  told me that one should always go with Moomintroll, so here's what lost out. A silly favorite of mine. Good-night.
Outside the Art School

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