Friday, October 17, 2014

Day Thirty-Three and 1/3 (That Would Actually Be Some Time Tomorrow), Friday Night

Aaaarrrghhh!!!! Primo keeps on using my computer with sticky fingers, no matter how many times I tell him to wash his hands first, and the finger pad is all sticky. I have spent about 10 minutes trying to unstick it but apparently he used some kind of super-stick-non-cleanable-polymer that I will never get off. Yuck!

Today was the tour at the High School. I was so nervous and I was afraid that I had given a sub-par tour, but the parents all seemed happy and left smiling, one dad told me he was sold and couldn't wait for his daughter to start. Okay, so I knew all the families but one, I was worried about disappointing them regardless. I am hoping that my enthusiasm and excitement for the school shone through and they were able to see how satisfied I am as a parent at the school.

I basically spent the whole day before pick-up there. I grabbed Prima and her friend, MC and we got lunch at the corner restaurant. Then I headed back into the school for a meeting with the Head of Discipline, regarding an incident that happened to Prima in class. As usual I left feeling happy with the way it would be handled and I collected my girl and took her to pick up and drop off the Middle Schoolers with me and then to the barn.

I need to change gears, this is NOT going to be a play by play of the day. That would be incredibly redundant for me. But I will sum up the day like this: it was some up, some down, but mostly happy.. Seeing friends on the tour ( I received the best group hug from the 5th graders!) lunching with my child, which I adore, family night with TR and Prima (Primo is having a sleepover), great conversations with LS, all in all it was a great day.

Now, what to write next?  I have mentioned in the blog that I intend to write a book. Maybe I need a plan, because whenever I think about it, it seems like such a huge project, I shrink away from it. Maybe I just need a theme and to run with it. I think what I will do to start is to set aside an hour or two each morning to work on it. Whether that means fleshing out ideas, or writing like a fiend, that time will be dedicated to writing and that's all.

I wish I had something soulful and insightful to put down now, but my brain seems to be in slightly-sarcastic-cynical-snark mode, so maybe it's best to sign off and check in with my sweetheart for a little replenishing of faith-in-the-good-in-the-world. Also I am about to change the password on this computer in the hopes that I don't keep finding it with the battery run down and sticky finger pad and keyboard. Time to set some boundaries? No, no, I mean yes, yes it IS time to set boundaries. Gooooodnight!
shells on a stone, Inis Mór

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