Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day Thirty-Five, Sunday Night

I started out the day with every intention of working on the cottage. As I was walking up the stairs past the main house, I got caught on a bramble growing over from the neighbor's yard. I was cursing them in my head when I realized that I don't have to let their bushes and brambles grow over my fence into my walkway. I grabbed a handy pair of clippers and started hacking back. TR came out to help me cut the high boughs I couldn't reach and after a while the walkway was cleared and I set in on sweeping up the back patio. I kept at it for a couple of hours and the side and back are clean and cleared and feel open and tidy. It is always such a relief to me when our space is tidy and open. I feel I can somehow breathe easier, that I can take bigger breaths and fill my body with oxygen.

I never did make it to the cottage, after lunch we headed to the hardware store to pick up some fix-it supplies. We found, not everything we were looking for, but did get some of the needed supplies, washers to fix the shower, buckets to haul dirt, clippers to cut big branches and a New Guinea Impatiens in shocking pink to put on the plant stand by the front door. Not orange like Grandma's but a remembrance of her anyway. We patched a spot on the roof we hope will fix the leak that has been plaguing us. TR fixed the shower handle as best he could. I carried some of the donation station stuff downstairs and did the yard cleanup I mentioned earlier. It was a busy and productive day and I think we have both earned a good night's rest!

Primo had his last fall ball of the season, and I saw him run downfield and assist a goal, the last goal of the scrimmage. It was fun to watch, and I think he was proud of himself. I think he is really starting to understand effort and how it relates to skill and talent.

So I am off to tuck my kids into a LATE bedtime and go to sleep myself. Goodnight!
Going with Moomintroll again and thinking of TD!

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