Monday, October 13, 2014

Day Twenty-Nine, Monday Night...Again

The List:


  • Sweaters wash ( no)
  • Groceries - list/shop (neither)
  • Kitchen counters (no)
  • Blank books (no)
  • Bathroom ( teensy bit)
  • Sweep (vacuumed instead)
  • Call about mandarin (yes)
Not a great track record for today. I seem to be in the doldrums again, floundering on windless seas in a wind driven boat. I did call about our 2nd mortgage, to find out the terms, and while not favorable, they aren't as scary as I remember them being. Though, we do need to get on it ASAP. Mostly I had an Alexander type day and I am just waiting for it to be tomorrow so I can try again.

I thought I might give this blog up, since I don't appear to have a job to go back to, it seems a little pointless now, but TR encouraged me to at least complete it for the time I had allotted to it. So I will at least do that. I also think It's time for me to seriously purge, all the craft supplies, all the stuff I NEVER, EVER use but have to clean around. It seems I am the only person in the house that hates a dirty house, so if I am the only one to be picking up, at least I won't have to contend with so much stuff.

So that's it for today, a brief check in before I slip into the fantasy of the book I am reading, so Goodnight!
Father Ted's house


  1. what are you reading? any good? I need a new book to read. :/)

  2. One of the Cadfael mysteries, they are always good for a quick escape!
